Sunday, February 28, 2010

Day 2 - Gathering '010

Yesterday was our full day in the Telford International Centre - and it was great. Good day with lots of different sessions, followed by some excellent preaching last night by Glyn Barrett.

This morning we are packing etc.... heading back to the Centre for one final session - and then we head off in the direction of the airport!! It all goes by crazy fast! But I've heard some stuff that some teams have AMAZING 'bigger or better' items... should be interesting!

Friday, February 26, 2010

We're here!

Hey everyone!

Just to let you know that we all arrived safely - and yesterday was a great day. For anyone who knows about our travels last year - the coach idea is much better! And to stay in a proper bed, and have a shower this morning is just plain wonderful!!
The young people had fun in Birmingham around the Bullring shopping centre in Birmingham, and then we took off and arrived at the hotel, just 5 mins walk from Telford International Centre.
They had a 'bigger or better' challenge to keep them occupied for some of the time. Each team started off with a paper clip, and had to trade without using money for something bigger or better. You would be amazed what shops can actually give away for free!!

Last night, Dweeb performed on the main stage, followed by the Gathering Band leading worship and a talk by Andy Frost.

I would love to tell you all that we have stuck to the 5 fruit and veg a day rule, but unfortunately we were only one away (or something like that!)

We are looking forward to the main event today.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Some things that are coming up soon.....

Friday 19th Feb - Ice Cream Night
Sunday 21st Feb - Youth Service

Friday 26th - Sunday 28th Feb - The Gathering '010
** There will be NO 4:12 at the church on these nights**

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


How's everyone getting on?

Some stand-out verses to me were:

1 Tim 1:5 "The purpose of my instruction is that all believers would be filled with love that comes from a pure heart, a clear conscience, and genuine faith."

1 Tim 2:6 "He gave his life to purchase freedom for everyone. This is the message God gave to the world AT JUST THE RIGHT TIME."

1 Tim 3:15 "... This is the church of the living God, which is the pillar and foundation of the truth."

Friday, February 5, 2010

New Bible Reading Challenge! - starts Monday

MattJan finishes today! I hope you have enjoyed reading through Matthew, and learning more about the Word of God. It has been great to hear of so many of you reading through Matthew together, and so I have decided that we continue this, if everyone is up for it? With a few minor adjustments!

TimJam starts Monday 8th February 2010. We will read through 1 & 2 Timothy (4:12!!) and the book of James, it will take us up to the day we leave for the Gathering. By the way, you even get weekends off (or to catch up, if you missed a day or two!!)

Check it out! I hope you're up for the challenge!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Oh it's a video!

This week....

Friday 5th Feb
Praise & Worship Night

Saturday 6th Feb
Craig speaking at South Belfast youth - if anyone wants to come let me know....

Sunday 7th Feb
fourtwelveafterchurch - Laura Myles is speaking!!

**Don't forget to sign up for Lisburn swimmers - 12th Feb**