Monday, January 30, 2012

Relentless Youth Camp 2012...

28th July - 4th August 2012.

£50 deposit - Bed
£20 deposit - All other spaces

BOYS BEDS:  3 remaining... (if interested please contact Craig - they are dependent on your age)

All other spaces (tent, caravan etc...)  £100 for the week including food.

Any questions let me know -

4:12 - Back to basics... 27.1.12

// no lights, no band, no show, just God! #GODthoughts

Monday, January 16, 2012

'God hasn't called you to live in the shadow of others...'

by Ben Jones.

Thanks for checking out my first 4:12 devotion, I hope that you have a think about what’s been playing on my heart over the past couple of weeks and I pray that God really speaks and blesses you!

I’m sure most of you have heard the story of David and Goliath. It’s one of the most popular accounts in the Old Testament and was definitely my favorite as a child. 

You’re probably familiar with the heroic faith of the shepherd boy David, who defeated Israel’s largest enemy. Who came out of obscurity and by chance heard Goliath taunting the Israelites whilst taking food to his brothers on the front line and decided to take the fight to the Philistines.

There’s a part of this story that I want to highlight that you may not be so familiar with. I’m talking about one of the events that led up to this epic showdown:

1 Samuel 17: 38-40

King Saul, offered his own armor to David. This was a massive honour, but there was a major problem: David was only a teenage boy, and King Saul would have been a tall, impressive, physical man. Simply put, there was not a chance that Saul’s armor would fit David. It probably looked like a toddler trying to wear his Dad’s shoes. Even if had fit, David had never worn armor before. He wasn’t a soldier, he was a shepherd.

And as we know, David declined the armor and opted to use the humble weaponry of a shepherd—a staff and a sling, tools that he used day after day. We know what happened from there, God gave David a glorious victory!

So why am I highlighting Saul’s armor? We have a tendency to compare our talents with the talents of others. Especially as we’re growing up, trying to find out what we’re good at, what we like, in that process of defining our own identity. Constantly comparing ourselves with others.

Sometimes we obsess over the things we can’t do instead of improving on the things we can do. It’s as though we are saying, “God you made a mistake when you created me. You gave me the wrong talents.” I must tell you, this kind of attitude does not glorify God.

I love to sing, but I will never lead worship, it’s just not in my skill set. God has, however, given me other gifts. I went through a type of “audition” when I was still a teenager. When I was at university, I was given an opportunity to lead meetings and preach at the youth groups that I was apart of. 

At first, I was terrified of public speaking, but I sensed God wanted me to step out in faith and try it. They weren’t the best talks I had ever given, but they weren’t disasters either. 
No one went to sleep, no-one threw Bibles at me, and no one accused me of preaching heresy. The feedback, in fact, was quite encouraging. 

Since then, God has continued to expand my own preaching/speaking ministry. Do I have great speaking skills? Maybe not, though I’m always trying to improve. Are there preachers/speakers who are more gifted than I? Definitely, but that’s OK, I just want people to be blessed and touched by God when I speak. 

OK, so some #Godthoughts.

Do you frequently compare yourself to others? Are you constantly trying to wear someone else’s armor? Follow the example of David: offer your gifts/talents to God, and EXPECT him to use them as only He can. 

“Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms. If anyone speaks, he should do it as one speaking the very words of God. If anyone serves, he should do it with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen.” 1 Peter 4:10-11 

“Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit; and there are varieties of service, but the same Lord; and there are varieties of activities, but it is the same God who empowers them all in everyone.” 1 Corinthians 12:4-6

Be careful in comparing yourselves with others, it only leads down a path of disappointment. God hasn’t called you to live in the shadow of others but has called you, with all your God-given talents, traits and experiences to become more and more like His Son. 

Some of you will remember Bill Wilson from Holding Nothing Back: 

‘...If you don’t have it, you don’t need it!’


Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Colossal weekend // Oct 2011

How bad do you want it?

by Ryan Campbell...
Hey, watched a short video recently on success and it really stood out to me.
There was a young guy who wanted to successful, so he went to this wise old man and asked him how he could reach the level the he was at. The old man told him if he wanted to reach the same level he would need to come to the beach the next morning. So the next morning the young guy turns up on the beach wearing a suit and looking all slick. (He should’ve worn shorts).
The old man grabs his hand and asks him “how bad do you want to be successful” and the young guy says “real bad”. The man then tells the young guy to walk out into the water until he’s waist deep. At this point the young guy is thinking the old man is crazy but he does it anyway. When he’s waist deep the old man tells him to come out further until the water reaches his shoulders.  But again the old man tells him to come out further; the water by this point has reached the young guys mouth. The young guy then decides he’s had enough and is about to leave when the old man asks him “I thought you wanted to be successful”, so the young guy stays.
 The old man tells him again to go out further and before the young guy has time to react the old man grabs his head and holds him under the water. The guys struggling and can’t get free but just before he passes out the man pulls him out! He then says to the guy, “if you want to succeed as bad as you want to breathe then you’ll be successful.”
This might sound strange but this video really challenged me when thinking about reaching people for Jesus. What am I trying to say? When you can’t breathe the only thing you’ll do is try to get some air, right? You don’t care about how people see you, you don’t care about how cool you are and you don’t care about anything other than getting air. I’m pretty sure that guy wanted air really bad.
So we say we want to reach people for Jesus but how bad do we really want it? Do we want it as much as the young guy wanted to be successful? Do we care about what people are thinking? Do we care about how cool we look or do we just care about people coming to know God?
Going by the video, people are willing to do anything to be successful, so why aren’t we more willing to do anything for Jesus? God was willing to do anything for us so that we would know him and have a relationship with him. He sent Jesus to die for us, Romans 5:6-8 says When we were utterly helpless, Christ came at just the right time and died for us sinners. Now, most people would not be willing to die for an upright person, though someone might perhaps be willing to die for a person who is especially good. But God showed his great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners. God was willing to do anything for us, we need to be willing!
If we want to reach people for Jesus, we’ve got to be willing to give things up. How bad do you want it? Your family, your friends they all need to know Jesus as their saviour! Reaching people needs to be one of our priorities.  Our job is to reach and show people the love of God! But are we willing to do anything? Are we constantly thinking what can I do for this person? How can I show them God’s love?
After doing this I definitely have to sit down and have a rethink about how bad I want to help people that need Jesus! So my question is...... How bad do you want it?

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

4:12 CD Jan 2012

1.  The Anthem - Jesus Culture & Jake Hamilton (Jesus Culture Awakening: Live From Chicago)
2.  Salvation Is Here - Hillsong Live (Yahweh (Hillsong Chapel)
3.  Just Might Change Your Life - Sidewalk Prophets (These Simple Truths)
4.  If God Be for Me - Ricardo Sanchez (It's Not Over)
5.  Magnificent - Matt Redman (10,000 Reasons)
6.  Victorious (feat. Thomas Miller) - Gateway Worship (Great Great God)
7.  Father of Lights - Jesus Culture (Jesus Culture Awakening: Live From Chicago)
8.  Great Great God (feat. David Moore) - Gateway Worship (Great Great God)
9.  He Is Faithful - Jesus Culture & Bryan Torwalt (Jesus Culture Awakening: Live From Chicago)
10.  When I'm With You (feat. Rebecca Pfortmiller) - Gateway Worship (Great Great God)
11.  It's Not Over - Ricardo Sanchez (It's Not Over)
12.  Deeper - Israel & New Breed (A Deeper Level)
13.  Aftermath - Hillsong UNITED (Aftermath)
14.  You Love Me Anyway - Sidewalk Prophets (These Simple Truths)

Hold On

Happy New Year guys! First devotion of the New Year, hopefully it speaks to someone! Just something I want to share with you this week is standing firm in your faith and holding on to the truth!

Have you ever had a day were you just felt that everything was against you? Maybe you’ve had a day at school were everything went wrong and you began to wonder why God let it happen to you. Well you’re not alone!

In 2 Thessalonians, it seems that the church was being taught some things that weren’t true and they were becoming discouraged. As believers they needed to stand firm in their faith! In Thessalonians 2: 15 Paul tells the church to stand firm and keep a strong grip on the teaching that he passed on to them.
You may not be able to believe everything you read on the internet or hear on T.V. but you can believe everything that the bible teaches. In 2 Thessalonians Paul tells the church to stay committed to what they know is true and not to be swayed by anything else. God’s desire for us is to stand firm and hold on to the truth, no matter what the cost. When people challenge what you believe, stand firm and hold on to what is true!
Jesus tells us in John 8: 31-32 “You are truly my disciples if you remain faithful to my teachings. And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”  No matter who challenges you, no matter what they say to you, hold on to what the bible teaches! Only the truth can set you free! The Bible is the truth!