Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Hands and Feet - Rising Up And Reaching Out

A blog post by Kyle Thompson.

We live in a hurting world. Whether it’s struggling to survive in a time where unemployment, homelessness and poverty are at an all time high; struggling to find any joy in life when it seems to be over running them; or just struggling to fit in, feeling isolated and unwanted. People are hurting. Every day you’ll come across people who feel like there is no hope, no joy, and no comfort. Most of the time we notice them, feel sorry for them, and pray that someone will reach out to them and show them love. But haven’t we been called to ease the pain?

I mean Jesus when asked what the most important commandments are says “Love your neighbour as yourself” (Mark 12:31) so even at that it’s obvious that we need to show love to people, but God has called us to reach out into the world and try to make a difference. In Matthew 25 Jesus talking to those he describes as righteous says, “For I was hungry and you fed me, I was thirsty and you gave me a drink. I was a stranger and you invited me into your home. I was naked and you gave me clothing. I was sick and you cared for me. I was in prison and you visited me.” The people go on to ask him why they did this to him and he replies, “I tell you the truth, when you did it to one of the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were doing it to me.” You see Gods heart breaks for the broken, and he wants to show love to all people but sometimes we forget that it is us, the people of God, that need to supply that love to others.

We can reach out to people in the smallest ways, and it can make a big difference. How many times have you not known anybody in a room and just wished someone would come and talk to you? And if someone does, even just to check your ok, how awesome does it feel? And you are probably someone who is happy, has friends, and isn’t feeling alone. Imagine if someone is feeling isolated, alone, and unwanted, and you go over to talk to them. That tiny gesture could make them feel loved. What about the single mother, or the old couple, or guy down your street who just needs help with something? You’d be surprised how blessed you would be to be a blessing to them and give them the help they need. And what about the thing we see in movies, when someone’s car breaks down and people stop to help them out? Wouldn’t it be cool to be those people? Or maybe you have a bit of money spare and there is a homeless person who could really use a meal. Look those are just some simple suggestions, easy ways that we could reach out to people but what if God wanted you to do more...

We sing a song sometimes called Hosanna, which has the line “Break my heart for what breaks yours”, and most of the time we sing it without really meaning it but remember how much Gods heart breaks for people, and if we are truly striving to know more of God and draw closer to him we are going to have to get used to our hearts hurting for the hurt too...

Just think of the difference we could make in this world by just sharing Gods love one person at a time. So let us be people who rise up and take our place, called by God to be a light in the darkness through our actions. Let’s try to be people that want to reach out to others. And remember that God wants to show love to the outcast, the hurting and the broken, but that he wants to do it through us.

Let us be his Hands and Feet.

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