Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Hungry Hippos

Hunger dictates everything. It doesn't fade into the wind, nor does it pass in a moment. But pure, raw hunger can be the inspiration and motivation for many an action...

Remember that time you left the house on an empty stomach? Or hey, maybe you even skipped lunch too that day?! Come 2/3pm you're CRAVING a nandos right? You've got that mighty pain in the depths of your stomach that just won't leave til you answer it. We've all been there. Jesus too. But His type of hunger looked a little bit different to ours.

Bang in the middle of John 4, Jesus has had a crazy morning. Travelling all the way from Judea to Samaria, John tells us "Tired as He was from the journey, He sat down by the well." (v6) After polishing up His conversation with the Samaritan women, the disciples, as per usual, are asserting that they know best!

"His disciples urged Him, 'Rabbi, eat something." (v31)

However! Although He's probably worked up an appetite, Jesus once again hits us with more than food for thought!

"I have food to eat that you know nothing about... My food is to do the will of Him who sent me and to finish His work..." (v32-34)

Wow! Stay with me here for a second... Is Jesus saying that doing God's will is more important than food? In extreme cases, people have reportedly survived up to 60 days or 44 days without food, like David Blaine's mental glass box stunt in London. But what is certain, without food you're gonna die...

Here's where Jesus is one step ahead. He's not neglecting the importance of food, or a wee fish supper. Like c'mon guys, He's fully God, fully man, the lad knows He's gotta eat. But in that moment His agenda was eternity.
The woman from the well has just returned with tons of people from her town to come see the Messiah. If Jesus had have moved on and cooked lunch elsewhere with the team. He would have missed the evangelistic opportunity which was at hand.

John writes that because of this, "many became believers" (v41)

Thats how important God's will is. Our saviour felt the hunger pain to do the will of God rather than fulfil a requirement to human existence. How much do you hunger for God's will for your life? Is it at the top of your agenda? The very meaning of your existence? Because sometimes, I selfishly pursue my plans for the day, sometimes I push past the life changing opportunities, and even sometimes I think my wants are of upmost importance.

So my friends, what I leave with you is this. Maybe God's will for your today is more than simply surviving. Maybe at school today God wants to change your focus; rather than eating lunch maybe He wants you to sit and chat with that guy that's always alone. Or maybe stay 5 minutes after work and comfort that person who's hurting...

I don't know what God's will is for your today. But what I do know is this;
God wants to use your today to affect someone's forever.

Blog post by Lee Brown

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