Monday, December 9, 2013

A baby came... and everything changed?

So here we are again, in the words of the famous Andy Williams, 'It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year', a season of excitement, happy smiling faces, meeting up with family, trips to the market, cold days, hot chocolate, buying gifts, watching Christmas movies, and hanging out with friends. A season we all look forward to.

But with this season comes some hassles. With the Christmas holiday comes the fun of either pre-Christmas assignments or post-Christmas exams (or if you're really lucky, both!) Usually, although there is a buzz of the excitement of Christmas, there is also a stressful time, with the amount of work to get done coming up to Christmas, or the work that needs done over the holiday period. And the typical message that comes around at Christmas, is the cheesy, yet true phrase, "Jesus is the reason for the season"...sounds like it should be printed on the side of a Metro Bus!

But my message in this is slightly different, although Jesus IS truly the reason for this Christmas season, what Jesus brings is also very important - "JOY is the reason for the season!"

It's not well documented, but I am an avid fan of Christmas (I know, you would never have guessed), but I was recently listening to Christmas music (as I have been since the 7th July this year) and I came across the song by Eddie Kirkland called 'Everything Changed'. Many of you have heard it before, if not, it's on the 4.12 Christmas CD, so get yourselves one of them. There is a line in it that say,

"A Baby came and Everything Changed"

It's a very beautiful Christmas song, but this line really gripped me recently...'a baby came and EVERYTHING CHANGED!'. When Jesus came into this world, everything that people did wrong in the past, present and future has changed, their sinning, their wrongdoing, their hurt, their injustice, their stresses, worries and anxieties, their broken relationships, their hurt and pain, this all had changed with the arrival of Jesus Christ.

And this is the message I want us to get, that because of Christmas, everything has changed! And the main point of excitement is that with this change that Jesus has brought, we don't face these things alone, Jesus has brought the change and He is the one in control.

I don't know about you, but this is such a relief to me, that Jesus is in control of every area of my life, and because He came, everything in my life has changed. This thought gives me so much Joy, and this is the real reason of this season, the Joy and Hope that Jesus brought when He came into this world.

So this Christmas season, please do enjoy all the fun and festivities that come with Christmas, the fun & fellowship with friends, the countless Christmas carols and Christmas productions on, all the great movies on show, the delicious food and drink that only comes out this time of year, but don't forget to make this a season of Joy, that you can delight in that fact that because A baby was born, Everything Changed.

Davy Hume aka Christmas Dave

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